Ryan Seipp

Hello, I'm Ryan Seipp

I'm a full-stack software engineer with years of experience building scalable APIs and web apps. Passionate for efficient software and reliable systems. Outside of tech, I ride a motorcycle and enjoy walks with my dog.

Outside of work, my interests have lead me to investigate and experiment with network technologies. Two primary points of experimentation are with a HTTP web server, and Linux's io_uring. My goal is to build more reliable, efficient, and developer-friendly libraries around these areas of interest.





6 years, 4 months
  • Senior Software Engineer

    Feb 2024 - Present ꞏ 7 months
    • Took Kubernetes cluster from idea to deployment in under two weeks, supporting several environments and capable of processing hundreds of financial reports per minute
    • Optimized time to produce financial reports by 50%, allowing further feature development and saving thousands in compute costs
    • Deployed GitOps and security best-practices with ArgoCD, Kyverno, Cosign, External Secrets, and Cilium
    • Implemented observability with OpenTelemetry traces, metrics, and logs
    • Determined process for automated testing of complex distributed system
  • Software Engineer

    Sep 2020 – Feb 2024 ꞏ 3 years, 5 months
    • Developed event-driven distributed systems to control physical hardware in hostile environments using .NET Core and React
    • Increased throughput of async Rust image recognition service by 300%
    • Implemented authentication and authorization for multi-tenant SaaS
    • Trusted as the "go-to" person for troubleshooting Docker and networking
  • Jr. Software Engineer

    Jun 2018 – Sep 2020 ꞏ 2 years, 3 months
    • Satisfied clients, resulting in the largest proportion of repeat contracts
  • Software Development Intern

    May – Jun 2018 ꞏ 1 month
    • Demonstrated ability to learn and operate in fast-paced, agile environment