An Introduction to Observability

How adding observability to systems helps businesses operate more effectively.

4 min read

What is observability?

In distributed systems, observability is the ability to collect data about programs’ execution, modules’ internal states, and the communication among components. — Wikipedia

In essence, observability is about collecting logs, metrics, and traces from our systems in order to better understand their operational requirements, troubleshoot errors, and track business-related performance metrics. This data represents the living state of the system which, in software-reliant companies, can often be the living state of the business. It provides crucial information to prove, or disprove, hypothesis, allowing all aspects of a business to make more informed decisions.

How do we make systems observable?

Logs, metrics, and traces are the three components to making systems observable. Each play a critical role in providing the full picture, and are useful in unique ways.


Logs are the component most software engineers should be familiar with. They are most useful for people to read, and should provide clear and concise context about the system. Did an error occur? If so, provide information useful for the person intended to resolve the issue. Otherwise, provide context around critical business logic, or decisions the software must take.


Metrics add hard data into the mix. Whereas logs are intended for people to consume, metrics are best consumed by machines to produce visualizations around the data. Metrics are helpful in answering questions like “How many orders did we process last month?” or “How long does it take our system to respond to a request?” As such, this is the place to add business-specific data, that the marketing or accounting teams can utilize to make decisions. It’s also the place where DevOps or engineers can go to determine how well the system is performing, or why the system is failing to meet some expected load.


Traces are likely the least familiar component, but potentially the most revolutionary for collecting information related to time. Traces are a collection of spans, each of which acquire information around a section of related code, and how long it took to execute. Spans are hierarchical, and know their “parent”. This allows visualization tools to display the path of code taken throughout the entire system, even across network or process boundaries. Adding tracing is the most effective way of collecting fine-grained information on how long each component took to execute.

What does the ecosystem look like?

Logging directly into a file may be enough for certain use-cases, but the ecosystem has developed applications to help derive the full value from each type of information. These applications have converged on a standard called OpenTelemetry which is a CNCF incubating project. OpenTelemetry specifies the API for creating traces and metrics, while OTLP specifies how that data is transmitted over the network for services to consume.

This standard provides us a common way to describe different aspects of observability, implement solutions that appear similar in different languages, and make it simpler to switch vendors without rewriting a large amount of code.


OpenTelemetry and the ecosystem around it have developed open source libraries to automatically instrument applications in a variety of languages. Documentation can be found here for how to add instrumentation in the languages supported. In later blog posts, I’ll also provide some examples on how to get started in specific languages.


Exporters are the mechanism for getting logs, metrics, and traces out of your application and into a variety of services. OpenTelemetry operates on a “push” model to export data. This is in contrast to applications like Prometheus that periodically poll each running instance of a system for metrics.

Many vendors exist to manage storing and visualizing the data exported from a system. Notably, this includes the big 3 cloud providers: AWS, Azure, and GCP. Open source solutions also exist that you can run yourself, like Grafana.


Observability can play a critical role in running production systems. Without it, our understanding of the system is limited, as is our ability to troubleshoot and learn from the data it provides. Stay tuned, as the next few posts will take a hands-on approach to making APIs observable in different languages.